WiE-IST (Women In Engineering) is an IEEE-IST Student Branch affinity group, based at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.
The group is intended for all engineering students who are interested and want to be involved in the promotion and recognition of women in the engineering world. Its main goal is to motivate and inspire future engineers to pursue scientific careers, and fight any disparities of opportunity that may arise in the scientific community, thus promoting a diverse environment of ideas and innovative opinions. In order to fulfill this goal, WiE-IST organizes initiatives such as lSeminars, Workshops, Debates and a Montly Online Newsletter.
Finally, we aim to create an inclusive, dynamic and dedicated community in order to promote a healthy debate and battle of ideas for the benefit of humanity and the scientific and technological community of IST.
If you are interested in being part of this initiative, or if you are curious to know more about WiE-IST, contact us using the links below.